Jarigejob Socijel

Ambassador Stichting Jarige Job

Judith Vis has been an enthusiastic ambassador for Jarige Job for five years now. Because of the flexibility that the ambassadorship offers, she can easily combine it with her family and full-time job. ‘You want every child to have a great birthday, don't you?’

As an ambassador of Jarige Job, you are the foundation's face. When a school or a company collects money for the foundation, a Jarige Job ambassador receives it. Name awareness and visibility increases because someone is physically present. Often the ambassador also tells the audience something about the work of the foundation.

Flexible volunteering
Judith Vis is one of the ambassadors of Jarige Job. ‘When I came into contact with the foundation I immediately thought: I want to be involved in this. You want every child to have a great birthday. But with my busy life, family and full-time job, a fixed day of voluntary work was not an option. That's why I chose a role as ambassador: that flexibility suits me.’

Stichting Jarige Job
Every year, tens of thousands of children in the Netherlands are unable to celebrate their birthdays because there is no money for them at home. Stichting Jarige Job is committed to these children. So that they can celebrate their birthdays, with a festive birthday box from the foundation. Full of decorations, treats for school, some sweets for their visitors and a nice present.

Photo made by Jelle Postma from Socijel

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