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My Commitment, My Project support Rhönrad department TV Deilinghofen

Rhönraderen is from Germany and is a form of gymnastics that is performed with a large hoop. The Vebego Foundation recently provided its support to the Rhönrad department of TV Deilinghofen. This was made possible by the project ‘My Commitment, My Project’, which colleague Michael Falkenhagen was happy to use.

Michael, who works as Chief Human Resources Officer at Vebego Deutschland and also volunteers as a materials maintenance manager at the Rhönrad division of TV Deilinghofen, explains how he signed up for this project: “In recent years, I have regularly heard about the work of the Vebego Foundation. During a cultural conference that we organised for Vebego Deutschland in Hannover in the autumn of 2023, Felix Grönwaldt (COO Vebego Deutschland) presented the work of the foundation in detail. This prompted me to apply for a subsidy for TV Deilinghofen via the Vebego Foundation website.”

The grant awarded was able to fund part of the cost of maintaining a Rhönrad. Michael explains: “The costs for the retreatment are relatively high because the work can only be carried out by very few providers. In addition to pure repair costs, significant transportation costs must also be factored in.” He adds: “For example, the firm adhesion of the tyre coating is important for the athletes’ safety. Damaged coatings can easily lead to injuries and, in addition, the grip of the Rhönrad on the sports hall floor can be insufficient, which can easily lead to falls.”


"The repair increases the quality of the training and contributes to high quality gymnastics"


The responses to the result have been extremely positive. TV Deilinghofen, with approximately 1,000 members, and especially the Rhönrad department, are very pleased with the generous contribution of the Vebego Foundation. Michael reiterates: “The repair that has been made possible increases the quality of the youth training and contributes to the fact that the TV Deilinghofen will be able to continue to offer high quality gymnastics in the future”.

The Vebego Foundation welcomes the impact of the ‘My Commitment, My Project’ project and will continue to strive to support valuable initiatives such as this one. Do you work at one of the Vebego companies and also have a project that deserves a financial contribution? Submit your project or idea to My Commitment, My Project.

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